Sketch Book

This are the drawings that I made, which I most like from my sketch book. Also the ones my teacher graded me 5/5. The first one I draw because I like cars, and BMW is one of my favorite brands. The second one I draw'ed in biology class when I was bored. If you dont understand it is an ejective man who is checking the womens back parts. I draw it as if she isn't a women, she is a transvestite, but she has a so good women face looking, in order to attract that high social class ejective. They are in the middle of city which isn't a good influence for their citizens, mainly children. I draw this to show how people are and that nobody is perfect, and that nobody decides what he wants to be. The third is a Germany's soccer team logo, and I draw it because I like that team because in that team plays one of the greatest soccer player in history Raul Gonzales. In the fourth I draw'ed John Lennon one of the biggest contributors to music. He used to play in the band called "The Beatles". The reason for me to draw him is because I love The Beatles, and for me he was the biggest of the for integrands of the band. In the fifth one I draw a shark with the letters that conform the word Shark. As you can see the letter "S" conforms the head with the teeth,  the "H" conforms the lower fin, the "A" conforms the upper fin, the "R" conforms the lower torso of the Shark and finally the "K" conforms the tails fin of the shark. I didnt had an specific goal for this, but this represent things I was thinking about that moment or things I like. My blind spots in this were the coloring , I should made the coloring more intense, and my strengths in all of them was the drawing. the materials i used were colors, pencil, and pen. 

Wayne Rooney

The materials I used for this project were a canvas, red, blue, yellow, white, black paintings, brushes of a sizes, pencil. The goal of this project was to strengthen the two point perspective, which Ms.Lopez taught us in class. My performance in this project was awesome I fought to make my canvas look great painting the canvas like 10 times, but i couldn't because the picture I choosed didn't had shades in it, so I couldn't made it better. My strengths in this project was when I draw, but when I painted it I screw the drawing up.   

Santiago Bernabeu

This project consisted in choosing a building, and describe its characteristics like type of architecture, etc. The goal was to reinforce the things taught in class about two point perspective. The materials I used to make the poster was the internet, were I got the info from, bond paper, colors, markers, glue and pencil. My performance in this project was good as you can see I spend quite a little time in the title, and gathering information, although i have some weaknesses. I think i laked of creativity in here but I dont know what is missing.